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My research passion lies in the connection between humans and the natural environment. Be that how we love our house plants or the feeling of really fresh air when you reach the top of a hill. I have a fascination with understanding the challenges and opportunities which arise from where humans and nature intersect.

My PhD examined the opportunities to improve university students' wellbeing through urban nature interventions and infrastructure. This used a mixed method, place attachment approach  to understand university students' experience of the university campus.

Key Papers

The past, present, and future of nature and place-based interventions for human health | 2023
Lessons from beyond the lecture theatres: What is still unknown when it comes to nature-based intervention for university students’ wellbeing? | 2023
Between the Library and Lectures: How Can Nature Be Integrated Into University Infrastructure to Improve Students’ Mental Health | 2022
Who doesn't visit natural environments for recreation and why: A population representative analysis of spatial, individual and temporal factors among adults in England | 2018


Living Green, Liveable Cities Research Symposium | Doha, Qatar

Leaves, lectures and lunchtime: Integrating nature into university life for better student wellbeing. View Recording

Healthy Spaces for Work and Study | Webinar

In this webinar, Healthy Spaces for Work and Study, we explore how creating spaces to improve access to nature produce positive outcomes for work. From the campus pocket parks to lunchtime seed planting sessions, how can we create healthy spaces for work and study?

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